For the past two years, the climate justice movement has put private jets on everyone’s radar, as obnoxious symbols of inequality and useless luxury emissions. Pressure has been growing to ban them: activists have been rallying up for bigger and bolder actions, from Schiphol to Code Rouge and the Make Them Pay campaign; proposals being debated by Governments; more and more of the ultra-rich being exposed for their scandalous luxury flights; and we’ve already seen a victory!!
With this webinar, we want to look at the actions that have been mounting up. We want to understand how to continue building pressure and what successful strategies that can lead us to actual victories can look like, and offer an opportunity for people to get involved. Lets join together to make flying on private jets and and other bullshit flights history!
Join our webinar on Thursday, 13th June, 17:30 – 18:30 CEST. Register here.